HEARTLAND POETS is a group of Central Lakes Minnesota poets who meet on a monthly basis to share their love of writing and appreciating poetry. This group is dedicated to encouraging poetry in all forms and to insisting upon poetic expression/vocalization in our region of the state.

HEARTLAND POETS is a chapter of the League of Minnesota Poets (LOMP) and is affiliated with the National Federation of State Poetry Societies, Inc. Through these associations HEARTLAND POETS stays informed of ongoing state and national poetry contests and remains a part of the pulse of poetry across the country. By doing so, we are able to participate in various retreats, seminars and conventions held annually.

As a part of the monthly meetings, HEARTLAND POETS, share their collective diverse knowledge with others in the group by featuring monthly programs. These programs last approximately an hour. The topic and content is left up the discretion of the presenter. Occasionally outstate Minnesota poets will attend our meetings as guest speakers.

HEARTLAND POETS gather together, read one another’s poetry and critique the presented material with the intent of improving the quality and scope of members’ poetry writing. This is done in an informal, respectful style. Copies of poems-in-progress are distributed, read aloud, and discussed summarily.

HEARTLAND POETS, founded on September 29, 1990, is a strong poetic voice for our state. Although a newer chapter of LOMP (established 1935), the group continues to grow and expand its vision as members from the area learn about this unique group dedicated to poetry.

HEARTLAND POETS is a non-profit organization. We invite you to join in the creative fun; challenging all to enrich lives and share in a collective love of the art of poetry.